The role of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps RAAC) is to locate, identify, capture and destroy the enemy, by day or night, in combination with other arms, using fire and manoeuvre.
The Royal Australian Armoured Corps is a combat arm that is able to participate in a range of operations including direct attack, reconnaissance and armoured mobility to infantry.
Units of the RAAC are equipped with the Abrams M1A1 main battle tank (MBT) family of vehicles or the Australian Light Armoured Vehicle (ASLAV) and Bushmaster protected mobility vehicle (PMV).
The main types of Armoured Corps units are:
- The tank regiment operates the Abrams main battle tank.
- The cavalry regiments operate the ASLAV and Bushmaster protected mobility vehicle.
- The light cavalry regiments are Army Reserve units equipped with either the light cavalry patrol vehicle (LCPV) and the interim infantry mobility vehicle (IIMV), or the Bushmaster (PMV).
Although the RAAC has a common corps badge, each unit has its own badge, motto and individual traditions.
