Chief of Army History Conference

The Australian Army History Unit hosts the biennial Chief of Army History Conference. It provides an opportunity for current serving personnel, junior Army leaders, government and academic audiences and members of the public to hear renowned experts speak on a range of historical issues and examples relevant to Army.

Chief of Army History Conference 2025

Mastering the Army Profession

An analysis of how Army has endeavoured to master the profession of arms throughout its history aimed at raising Army’s capability by addressing culture, ethics, discipline, professionalism, organisational structure and education and training. Army confronts a range of challenges as it prepares itself for the complex strategic environment that it currently faces. To best position Army to meet these challenges, it needs to ensure that Soldiers at all levels, from senior leadership to Private, proactively embrace the mastery of their profession. Chief of Army History Conference 2025 will analyse how Army has reviewed its profession in the past, learnt from it and implemented strategies for improvement and development.


20th November 2025


8.30 am to 5 pm


Adams Auditorium, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra. 

The conference will also be available online.

Detailed administrative and conference content information will be made available closer to the date.