Wearing of the Australian Army uniform is governed by sets of rules and procedures, and various instructions and regulations. The Army Dress Manual is designed to make it easier for members to access and locate information on dress policy by consolidating information into related topics.

The manual provided below is an interim version only that allows members to access current uniform policy. Some links contained within the document are only available on the Defence internal networks.

For any comments or issues please email army.ceremonial@defence.gov.au.

Army Dress Manual (PDF 33.24 MB)
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction
    • Provides policy guidance on the wearing of uniforms worn on particular occasions.
  • Chapter 2 - Wearing of uniform
    • Provides guidance and direction on dress, bearing and personal grooming.
  • Chapter 3 - Items of dress, embellishments and accoutrements 
    • Provides guidance and direction on the wearing of dress embellishments and accoutrements.
  • Chapter 4 - Badges and emblems 
    • Provides guidance and direction on the wearing of badges and emblems associated with Australian Army uniforms, including rank insignia and Unit Citations.
  • Chapter 5 - Orders of dress
    • Provides guidance and direction on the wearing of all orders of dress, including dress for senior officers, specific trades and training establishments. Annex P identifies the tri-Service uniform equivalents. 
  • Chapter 6 - Orders, decorations and medals 
    • Provides guidance and direction to the wearing of all orders, decorations and medals. Annex C provides the order of precedence for wearing Australian, Imperial and foreign honours and awards.