
The rank system forms the backbone of the Australian Army’s structure and defines a soldier or officer’s role and degree of responsibility.

Commissioned Officer ranks

Australian Army officers receive a commission that is personally signed by the Minister for Defence and the Governor-General of Australia, acting for the Monarch, King Charles III, of Australia.

Officer Cadet (OCDT)

The rank of Officer Cadet is given to students of the Australian Defence Force Academy. Officer cadets wear a 10mm wide white stripe, on a Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform (DPCU) slide or hard shoulder board. Upon entry to the Royal Military College, Duntroon, their rank is changed to Staff Cadet and RMC is added to their slides.

2nd Lieutenant (2LT)

The rank of Second Lieutenant is reserved for new officers and officers in special appointments such as university regiments, training institutions or under probation during training. They may undertake or have responsibilities similar to that of a Lieutenant.

Lieutenant (LT)

Lieutenant is a rank typically held for 3 years. They normally command a platoon or troop of around 30 soldiers and may command more specialised platoons/troops such as a mortar platoon or reconnaissance troop.

Captain (CAPT)

Captains are normally second-in-command of a sub-unit of up to 120 soldiers. They are key players in the planning and decision-making process within tactical level units, with responsibility for operations on the ground as well as equipment maintenance, logistical support and manpower.

Major (MAJ)

Promotion to Major generally occurs after 8-10 years service. Majors are field rank officers who command a company, squadron or battery of up to 120 officers and soldiers. Majors have responsibility for the training, welfare and administration of their soldiers, as well as management of their equipment. Majors are also employed in staff roles.

Lieutenant Colonel (LTCOL)

Lieutenant Colonels typically command units of up to 650 soldiers, containing three to five sub-units. They are responsible for the overall operational effectiveness of their unit in terms of military capability, welfare and general discipline. Lieutenant Colonels also hold staff officer appointments at the Brigade level and higher.

Colonel (COL)

Colonels do not normally command units but may hold the position of Commandant in schools, training centres, or other groups of units. Other key appointments for Colonels are as senior staff officers such as Chief of Staff. Colonels may also be given specialised roles such as oversight of a project or development.

Brigadier (BRIG)

Brigadiers command at the Brigade level and are also Directors General within Army Headquarters and non-Army groups. They are responsible for branches such as personnel, operations and career management. The rank of Brigadier is referred to as ‘one star’ rank.

Major General (MAJGEN)

Major Generals command formations of division size, or equivalent, and hold senior executive appointments within the Department of Defence. The rank of Major General is referred to as ‘two star’ rank.

Lieutenant General (LTGEN)

Lieutenant General is the second-highest active rank in the Australian Army. The Rank of Lieutenant General is held by the Chief of Army. The rank is also held when an Army Officer is the Vice Chief of the Defence Force, the Chief of Joint Operations, or the Chief of Capability Development. The rank of Lieutenant General is referred to as ‘three star’ rank.

General (GEN)

General is the highest active rank of the Australian Army. The rank of General is only held when an Army Officer is appointed as the Chief of the Defence Force. The rank of General is referred to as ‘four star’ rank.

Other ranks

The Australian Army does not use the term 'enlisted' to describe its non-commissioned ranks. Instead, personnel who are not Commissioned Officers are referred to as other ranks. These personnel are soldiers, Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and Warrant Officers (WOs).

Private (PTE)

A soldier under training who has not yet passed basic training holds the rank of Recruit. On completion of basic training, all new soldiers start as Privates although the title may be Gunner, Trooper, Craftsman, Signalman, Patrolman, Sapper or Musician depending on their Corps or Regiment. A Private normally receives a pay rise when he or she is deemed proficient after on the job experience. This usually occurs after 12 to 18 months in their first unit.

Lance Corporal (LCPL)

Promotion to Lance Corporal may follow after Initial Employment Training (IET) or after about 3 years as a Private. Lance Corporals are required to supervise a small team of up to four soldiers referred to as a fire team, brick or crew. They also have opportunities to undertake specialist training. Lance Bombardier (LBDR) is used in the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery.

Corporal (CPL)

Promotion to Corporal typically occurs after 6-8 years and depends upon leadership ability. In this rank, additional trade and instructor qualifications can be gained. Corporals are usually in command of a section of soldiers which consist of two fire teams, bricks or be in command of a crew, team or detachment. Corporals can also be employed as instructors in Army schools particularly engaging in junior soldier training. Bombardier (BDR) is used in the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery.

Sergeant (SGT)

Sergeant is a senior role of responsibility. Promotion typically takes place after 12 years depending on ability. Sergeants are usually second in command of a troop or platoon of up to 40 soldiers. They have responsibility for advising and assisting junior officers. Sergeants normally have the role of administration, discipline, training and the maintenance of standards. Sergeants can also be employed as instructors in Army schools.

Staff Sergeant (SSGT)

After several years as a Sergeant, promotion to Staff Sergeant may follow. This is a senior role combining human and resource management in administrative or logistics roles. Staff sergeants are always addressed as "Staff Sergeant" or "Staff", never as "Sergeant" as it degrades their rank. This rank is currently being phased out of the Australian Army.

Warrant Officer Class Two (WO2)

This is a senior management role focusing on the training, welfare and discipline of up to 200 soldiers. WO2s act as senior advisor to the commander of a sub-unit. They can have titles such as Artificer Sergeant-Major, Chief Clerk or Quarter Master Sergeant. WO2s are also employed as supervising instructors in Army schools.

Warrant Officer Class One (WO1)

The senior soldier rank in the Australian Army, typically reached after about 18 years of outstanding service. WO1s are the senior advisors of their unit’s Commanding Officer, with leadership, discipline and welfare responsibilities of up to 650 officers and soldiers, and their equipment. WO1s fill senior supervisory roles as clerks, tradesmen, storemen and in technical trades.

Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army (RSM-A)

The senior Warrant Officer in the Australian Army holds the appointment of Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army. The RSM-A is a member of the personal staff of the Chief of Army. The RSM-A’s primary role is to represent the views concerns and opinions of soldiers in the Army to senior leaders. They also carry the Chief of Army’s message down and across the ranks.