The Australian Army is committed to supporting the Whole of Australian Government ‘Closing the Gap’ Strategy and the Defence Reconciliation Action Plan.
Key to ‘closing the gap’ between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is the direct delivery of infrastructure, health care and training, and enabling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ participation in the Australian economy.
The Australian Army has formally articulated objectives related to Indigenous workforce participation, community engagement and support. Army aims to deliver outcomes through three key action areas:
- Relationships. Building mutually beneficial relationships between units and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities where Army personnel live, work and exercise.
- Respect. Cultivating a deep understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and contemporary matters across Army.
- Opportunities. Increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in the Australian economy by providing development, employment and procurement opportunities.
To achieve these outcomes Army supports:
- The Indigenous Pathways Program which includes the:
- Army Indigenous Development Program (AIDP) - a 5 month program for those that do not currently meet general entry standards and need to develop education, aptitude, fitness and resilience skills before commencing recruit training.
- Indigenous Pre-Recruit Program (IPRP) – a 6 week program for those who meet general entry standards but need to develop confidence, resilience and fitness standards before commencing recruit training.
- Eight indigenous recruiting officers at Defence Force Recruiting (DFR) to mentor and support indigenous candidates.
- Two indigenous mentors at Kapooka to support indigenous recruits to complete recruit training.
- A Regional Indigenous Liaison Officer (RILO) network to focus on community engagement and provide support to local commanders.
- The Army Indigenous Cultural Advisory Board (AICAB) which provides cultural advice to Chief of Army on the implementation of the Army Indigenous Strategy.
For further information on the Army Indigenous Strategy, please send an email to